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Bichon Frise Pictures

The Bichon Frise is a delightful breed that originated in France. Because of their merry disposition, the ancestral Bichons travelled much and were often used as barter by Italian sailors as they moved from continent to continent. Their association with European nobility began in the 13th century, entering the royal courts of Spain, Italy and France. In the 14th century, Italian sailors rediscovered the dogs on their voyages and are credited with returning them to continental Europe. With its curly white coat and expressive black eyes, it exudes charm and elegance. Bred for companionship, the Bichon Frise is known for its friendly and affectionate nature. It thrives on human interaction and is well-suited for families of all sizes. The traditional hair style is very puffy with a classic round moon face including the ears and beard. The Bichon Frise brings a touch of happiness to every home it enters in life and in pictures. I hope you enjoy these magical Bichon images and choose one that fits your decor and makes you smile.


Bichon Frise's adorable head in forefront with Eiffel Tower in background
Bichon Frise Eiffel Tower, France

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A small white Bichon Frise with fluffy curly fur wearing a collar, stands in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. The sky is blue with scattered clouds, and greenery is visible on either side of the image. The Eiffel Tower rises prominently in the blurred background.

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A well-groomed white Bichon Frise dog stands against a bright pink background in this good-vibes picture. The dog has fluffy fur, a rounded head, and expressive eyes, with its tail slightly curved upward and covered in fluffy fur. The dog's coat is thick and even, and it stands confidently, looking slightly to the left.
Bichon Frise Portrait on Pink

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A well-groomed white Bichon Frise dog stands against a bright pink background. The dog has fluffy fur, a rounded head, and expressive eyes, with its tail slightly curved upward and covered in fluffy fur. The dog's coat is thick and even, and it stands confidently, looking slightly to the left.

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A Bichon Frise sitting for its portrait on a textured teal background, with round dark eyes and a black nose. The dog is looking directly at the viewer a little indignantly and wears a black collar. The dog has white curly fur, a round head, fluffy hanging ears adding up to a soft, cuddly appearance.
Bichon Frise Portrait on Teal

12" x 16" / 16" x 20" / 18" x 24"
A Bichon Frise sitting for its portrait on a textured teal background, with round dark eyes and a black nose. The dog is looking directly at the viewer a little indignantly and wears a black collar. The dog has white curly fur, a round head, fluffy hanging ears adding up to a soft, cuddly appearance.

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Two fluffy white Bichon Frise puppies sit inside a wicker basket adorned with pink ribbons. The puppies have large, dark eyes and are gazing adorably at the viewer. The background is a red curtain with pink roses in the foreground.
Bichon Frise Puppies with Pink Roses

12" x 16" / 16" x 20" / 18" x 24"
Two fluffy white Bichon Frise puppies sit inside a wicker basket adorned with pink ribbons. The puppies have large, dark eyes and are gazing adorably at the viewer. The background is a red curtain with pink roses in the foreground.

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Taken from stories of their heritage, a small white Bichon Frise appears to be steering the large wooden wheel on an ancient wooden ship, known to criss-cross Italian Trade Routes. The background shows a blurred view of the sea with other boats and buildings as if he/she just pulled into port.
Bichon Frise Steering Italian Trade Routes

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
Taken from stories of their heritage, a small white Bichon Frise appears to be steering the large wooden wheel on an ancient wooden ship, known to criss-cross Italian Trade Routes. The background shows a blurred view of the sea with other boats and buildings as if he/she just pulled into port.

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A small, fluffy Bichon Frise wearing a thick soft brown collar sits in front of what appears to be a painting of a stone castle with two round towers. The sky is blue with light clouds, and the surrounding landscape features green, tree-covered hills and another smaller stone building in the background.
Bichon Frise Poses with Castle Painting

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A small, fluffy Bichon Frise wearing a thick soft brown collar sits in front of what appears to be a painting of a stone castle with two round towers. The sky is blue with light clouds, and the surrounding landscape features green, tree-covered hills and another smaller stone building in the background.

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An adult white beautifuuly groomed Bichon Frise with a small black nose and expressive, dark round eyes is shown against a plain black background. The dog's mouth is open, tongue slightly out, in a happy and playful expression.
Bichon Frise Happy Portrait on Black

12" x 16" / 16" x 20" / 18" x 24"
An adult white beautifuuly groomed Bichon Frise with a small black nose and expressive, dark round eyes is shown against a plain black background. The dog's mouth is open, tongue slightly out, in a happy and playful expression.

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A white fluffy Bichon Frise with classic round faced groom and black eyes and nose, sits in front of an american flag, looking directly at the viewer with an attentive expression. The flag's stars and stripes make a bold background.
All American Bichon Frise

12" x 16" / 16" x 20" / 18" x 24"
A white fluffy Bichon Frise with classic round faced groom and black eyes and nose, sits in front of an american flag, looking directly at the viewer with an attentive expression. The flag's stars and stripes make a bold background.

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A small white Bichon Frise is lying on a plush, vintage-style dog bed with an intricate, gold-brown patterned fabric. The bed is situated in front of a wall with ornate, vintage wallpaper featuring a matching gold and brown design. The dog's fur is neatly groomed and fluffy.
Bichon Frise on Round Ottoman

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A small white Bichon Frise is lying on a plush, vintage-style dog bed with an intricate, gold-brown patterned fabric. The bed is situated in front of a wall with ornate, vintage wallpaper featuring a matching gold and brown design. The dog's fur is neatly groomed and fluffy.

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A fluffy white Bichon Frise stands on a dirt path in a vineyard, surrounded by grapevines with green and yellow leaves. The dog looks directly at the viewer with a little grin. The background features rolling hills and a blue sky, bathed in warm, golden sunlight that highlights the vibrant autumn colors.
Bichon Frise Standing in French Vineyard

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A fluffy white Bichon Frise stands on a dirt path in a vineyard, surrounded by grapevines with green and yellow leaves. The dog looks directly at the viewer with a little grin. The background features rolling hills and a blue sky, bathed in warm, golden sunlight that highlights the vibrant autumn colors.

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A small white Bichon Frise puppy with curly fur peeks out from a round opening in a woven, basket-like pet bed. The puppy has large, dark eyes and a tiny nose, giving it an adorable and curious expression. The basket is multi-colored, with orange, blue, and white accents.
Bichon Frise Puppy in Wicker Cozy

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A small white Bichon Frise puppy with curly fur peeks out from a round opening in a woven, basket-like pet bed. The puppy has large, dark eyes and a tiny nose, giving it an adorable and curious expression. The basket is multi-colored, with orange, blue, and white accents.

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A fluffy white Bichon Frise stands on a rocky ledge in the foreground with an old stone castle featuring conical roofs and multiple towers in the background. The castle is surrounded by a moat and greenery with a bright blue sky overhead.
Bichon Frise Standing at Historic French Castle

12" x 18" / 18" x 24" / 24" x 36"
A fluffy white Bichon Frise stands on a rocky ledge in the foreground with an old stone castle featuring conical roofs and multiple towers in the background. The castle is surrounded by a moat and greenery with a bright blue sky overhead.

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k9 Gallery of Art Logo
Dog Picture Gallery
k9 Gallery of Art
Melanie Brandstein
The image is the logo of instagram, featuring a viewer outline with a rainbow gradient background, symbolizing the photo and video sharing social media platform. A 3d icon of the facebook logo, featuring a white f centered on a reflective glossy blue square with rounded corners, displayed against a transparent background. The image displays the pinterest logo, which features a stylized white letter P on a bold red circular background. the design is simple yet recognizable, embodying pinterest's visual identity. Youtube logo with a red round background and a white play button in the center.