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BLOG letters made out of dog fur: schnauzer, dalmation, golden retriever and yorkie


Bichon Frise sits up in a unique wicker basket in surrounded by large and small American flags, reminiscent of a vintage political stump speech podium with a cute Bichon giving the speech.

Bichon Frise at 1850 Stump Speech

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Dog Art as a Reflection of Human Emotions

I. Introduction:

Art has a unique ability to convey human emotions, transcending language and cultural barriers. When it comes to our four-legged companions, dogs, this emotional connection is often deeply profound. In the world of art, dogs have been a popular subject for centuries, and their portrayal reflects not only the essence of the canine world but also the complex tapestry of human emotions.

II. The Emotional Palette of Dog Art

In the world of art, color plays a pivotal role in conveying emotions. We meticulously choose our color palettes to evoke a specific mood or feeling. When it comes to dog art, this choice is no different. The use of color can transform a simple dog portrait into a powerful emotional statement.

Warm and vibrant colors like reds and oranges may be used to depict a joyful, energetic dog. These colors mirror the exuberance and excitement that dogs bring into our lives. Cooler hues such as blues and grays can create a more somber, contemplative atmosphere, mirroring moments of introspection or sadness. It's in the blending and contrast of these colors that we weave intricate emotional narratives.

Additionally, the play of light and shadow is a fundamental element in conveying emotions in dog art. The way an artist illuminates a scene can drastically alter the mood. The interplay of light and shadow on a dog's fur can highlight the texture and depth of their character. Bright, direct light can accentuate the playfulness and vitality of a puppy, while soft, diffused lighting can create a sense of serenity, capturing the grace of an older dog.

III. The Expression in the Eyes

In the realm of dog art, the eyes are often regarded as the windows to a dog's soul. So, we painstakingly capture the unique and heartfelt expressions in a dog's eyes, showcasing their emotional depth. The eyes convey a range of feelings, from trust and affection to curiosity and vulnerability.

For example, a loyal dog's gaze, filled with devotion and unwavering trust, can be a powerful representation of human emotions. Artists who master the subtleties of capturing these expressions can create works that resonate deeply with viewers, evoking a sense of connection to the canine subjects. Famous dog portraits, such as Leonardo da Vinci's "Study of Cat Movements and Positions" and John Emms' "A Cavalier King Charles Spaniel," are perfect illustrations of how an artist can harness the eyes to convey a world of emotions.

IV. Body Language and Posture

The depiction of a dog's body language and posture is another key element in conveying emotions in dog art. Dogs communicate through their physical cues, and artists skillfully capture these non-verbal signals to tell a story that resonates with viewers.

A wagging tail, raised ears, or a playful leap all communicate the sheer joy and excitement that dogs bring to our lives. These dynamic poses and gestures can convey emotions of exuberance or carefree happiness.

Conversely, a dog's hunched shoulders, lowered head, or a gentle, pleading gaze can evoke feelings of vulnerability and compassion. It is in these moments of quiet contemplation that artists manage to communicate the softer, more introspective aspects of human emotions, mirroring the moments when we seek solace in the presence of our canine companions.

V. The Artist's Interpretation

Each artist brings their unique perspective and artistic interpretation to their portrayal of dogs. As a result, we encounter a fascinating array of styles and approaches in dog art. Some artists focus on realism, meticulously capturing every whisker and fur strand to evoke a sense of intimacy and connection. Others choose impressionistic or abstract styles, using bold strokes and vivid colors to convey the essence of a dog's emotions.

VI. Emotional Impact on Viewers

The emotional connection between humans and dogs extends to the viewers of dog art. As observers, we can find ourselves deeply moved by these visual representations of canine emotions. The power of dog art lies in its ability to touch the hearts of those who appreciate it, forging a connection that transcends the canvas or print.

VII. The Relationship Between Dogs and Humans

The deep bond between dogs and humans is a testament to the emotional connection that transcends species. Dog art often serves as a mirror to this special relationship. Artists portray dogs as loyal companions, protectors, and sources of unconditional love, mirroring the profound roles they play in our lives.

VIII. Cultural Influences

Artistic interpretations of dogs and their emotions can vary significantly based on cultural backgrounds. In different parts of the world, dogs hold distinct meanings and evoke unique emotions. In this section, we'll examine how cultural influences shape the emotional representation in dog art. The way dogs are perceived and the emotions they evoke can vary significantly across different cultures. Here are some aspects to consider:

IX. Conclusion

In conclusion, dog art serves as a powerful testament to the emotional connection between humans and dogs. From the use of color and light to the expressive eyes and body language, artists convey a rich tapestry of human emotions through their work. The enduring appeal of dog art lies in its ability to evoke feelings, connect viewers with their canine companions, and reflect the deep bond that has existed for centuries.

German Shepherd Hangs His Portrait. illustration of german shepherd leaning on the wall looking away so you can see his likeness in the small photo of him in a rustic frame on the wall

Encyclopedia of Picture Framing

I. Introduction:

Welcome to the k9 Gallery of Art, where we celebrate the canine spirit through captivating art prints! Now that you've chosen the perfect puppy dog masterpiece for your space, it's time to give it the spotlight it deserves. Framing your prints not only enhances their visual appeal but also adds a touch of personality to your space.

Framing your prints is an art form, and with these ideas, you're well on your way to presenting your new fine art acquisition, whether you prefer classic elegance, modern sleekness, or a touch of whimsy.

Visit your local custom framing shop for a professional to assist you with your selection and use their expertise and equipment for framing your prints. You will find they offer an extensive variety of matting and framing options.

The remainder of this article is for the do-it-yourselfer who wants to both save money and make a more unique or personalized presentation. We hope you enjoy and find valuable time saving tips as well as inspiration.

First our list of retailers who specialize in frames and framing materials. We earn no commission and present this as a resource for your convenience.


  1. Classic Wood Elegance Embrace timeless sophistication with a classic wood frame. Opt for a rich, dark finish to complement the warmth of your artwork.

  2. Sleek Metal Modernity For larger prints, go for a sleek metal frame. The clean lines and modern aesthetic will give your masterpiece a contemporary edge.

  3. Matte Magic Use a wide matte around your print for a gallery-like effect. This not only adds a professional touch but also draws attention to the intricate details of the artwork.

  4. Floating Frame Wonder Elevate your larger print by using a floating frame. This minimalist approach creates the illusion that your artwork is suspended in mid-air.

  5. Vintage Charm Hunt for a vintage frame at your local thrift store or antique shop. The worn patina will add character and charm to your print.

  6. Whimsical Washi Tape Embrace a budget-friendly and playful approach by using colorful washi tape to create a border around your print. Mix and match patterns for a vibrant look.

  7. Shadow Box Surprise Go beyond the flat frame and choose a shadow box to add depth to your small to medium size print. This creates a captivating 3D effect, and opens up possibilities of adding momentos inside the frame.

  8. Puppy Dog Duo Pair two prints side by side in matching frames to create a dynamic duo on your wall. This symmetrical approach is pleasing to the eye and doubles the impact. Choose two images that compliment each other in some way.

  9. DIY Pallet or Vintage Wood Frame Get crafty with a DIY pallet frame. Stain or paint the wood to match your decor, adding a rustic touch to your puppy or dog art. Find pallets laying around or at Home Depot or Lowes.

    Vintage wood can be easily pieced together to make fantastic conversation starting frames. The outdoorsy look and feel compliments the beautiful dog pictures.


Fitting a frame to your print is a crucial step to ensure that your artwork looks its best. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you perfectly fit a frame to your new artwork. First you will need a few basic tools:

  1. Measuring Your Print: Before you start looking for a frame, accurately measure the dimensions of your print. Note both the width and height, and make sure to record these measurements in inches.

  2. Choose the Right Frame Size: When selecting a frame, choose one that corresponds to the exact size of your print. Frames are typically labeled with the dimensions they can accommodate. For example, if your print is 18"x24", look for a frame labeled as such.

  3. Consider Matting: If you plan to use a mat with your frame, take this into account when choosing the frame size. Matting can enhance the visual appeal of your print and create a professional look. Ensure that the frame has enough space to accommodate both the print and the mat. See more information on matting below.

  4. Check Frame Depth: Consider the depth of the frame, especially if you have a canvas or a print with a significant thickness. Ensure that the frame is deep enough to encase your print comfortably.

  5. Look for Adjustable Frames: Some frames come with adjustable components to fit different print sizes. These frames often have flexible clips or fasteners that can be adjusted to secure your print snugly.

  6. Double-Check Before Purchasing: Before making a purchase, double-check the frame's dimensions and specifications. Ensure that it matches the size of your print and any additional elements like matting.

  7. Assembly: Once you have the frame, carefully follow the assembly instructions. Most frames come with easy-to-follow guidelines for inserting your print securely. Take your time to ensure that everything is aligned and fits perfectly.

German Shorthaired Pointer Hangs His Portrait. illustration of German Shorthaired Pointer leaning on the wall looking away so you can see his likeness in the small photo of him in a rustic frame on the wall

Wall Hanging Hardware:

illustration of a cream colored french poodle with dots of confetti colors in her fur and on the wall paper. French Poodle Hanging her Portrait


  1. Eye Level: Hang your print at eye level for the average person. This is typically around 57 to 60 inches from the floor to the center of the artwork. This ensures that the artwork is easily visible and can be appreciated without straining.

  2. Center of Focus: If you have a focal point in the room, such as a piece of furniture or a fireplace, consider centering your print on or above that focal point. This creates a harmonious arrangement and draws attention to the artwork.

  3. Consider Furniture Placement: If you are hanging the print above furniture, such as a sofa or a console table, the bottom edge of the frame should be about 6 to 12 inches above the furniture. This helps integrate the artwork into the overall design.

  4. Gallery Walls: If you are creating a gallery wall with multiple prints, start by hanging the central piece at eye level and then build around it. Maintain consistent spacing between frames for a cohesive look.

  5. Consider Wall Size: For smaller walls, choose a smaller print or create a gallery arrangement with smaller frames. On larger walls, you can go for a larger print or a bold arrangement of multiple frames.

  6. Balance with Surroundings: Consider the overall balance in the room. Avoid placing the print too high or too low in relation to other elements in the space. Aim for a balanced composition that complements the surrounding decor.

  7. Natural Sight Lines: Consider the natural sightlines in the room. Ensure that the print is visible from various vantage points, and it does not obstruct views or feel disconnected from the room's flow.

  8. Lighting Considerations: Pay attention to lighting conditions. Ensure that the artwork is well-lit to highlight its details. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause fading over time.

  9. Experiment with Arrangement: Before making any holes in the wall, experiment with the arrangement by placing the print on the floor and moving it around. This allows you to visualize different options and find the most pleasing placement.

  10. Consider Room Function: Consider the function of the room. In spaces where people often gather, such as the living room or dining area, placing the print centrally can make it a focal point. In more private spaces, such as bedrooms, you may choose a more personal placement.

Remember, there are no strict rules, and personal preference plays a significant role. Trust your instincts and choose a placement that brings joy and enhances the overall atmosphere of your environment.

Golden Retriever Hangs His Portrait. illustration of Golden Retriever leaning on the wall looking away so you can see his likeness in the small photo of him in a rustic frame on the wall


The choice of matting for your puppy dog art print can significantly impact its visual appeal. Here are considerations for different matting options:

General Tips on Matting:

Consider Artwork Colors: Analyze the predominant colors in your puppy dog art print. Choose a mat color that complements and enhances the colors in the artwork.

Room Lighting: Consider the lighting conditions in the room. If the room is well-lit, both dark and light mats can work, but in rooms with limited natural light, a light mat may be more suitable.

  1. Frame Compatibility: Ensure that the matting size complements the frame size. The proportions should look balanced, and the mat should not overwhelm the artwork.

  2. Print Size: Consider the size of your puppy dog art print. Larger prints may benefit from wider mats, while smaller prints might look best with narrower mats.

  3. Room Aesthetics: Consider the overall style of the room and your personal taste. Mats can influence the perceived size and impact of the artwork. Experiment with different matting options before making a final decision. Some frames come with matting, but you can also purchase mats separately to customize the look.

  4. The best matting choice is a subjective decision based on your preferences and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Whether you choose a single mat, double mat, or no mat, make sure it complements your new fine art print and enhances its visual impact on your wall.

  5. Single Mat

    Best Sizes: A single mat can enhance the presentation of your print by providing a clean border. A mat with a width of 2 to 4 inches is aesthetically pleasing.

    Considerations: Choose a mat color that complements both the print and your decor. White or off-white mats are classic choices and often work well with puppy dog art, allowing the colors in the print to stand out.

  6. Double Mat

    Best Sizes: If you opt for double matting, the outer mat is usually wider than the inner mat. Common combinations include a wide neutral outer mat with a thinner colored inner mat.

    Considerations: Double matting adds depth and visual interest. The choice of colors for both mats should harmonize with the print and the room's color scheme. Be mindful of not overpowering the artwork with a mat that is too large.

  7. No Mat

    Considerations: For a modern and sleek look, you can choose to frame your print without a mat. This approach allows the artwork to extend to the frame's edge, creating a more contemporary appearance.

    Best for: No matting is often suitable for smaller prints or when you want a minimalist aesthetic. It can work well with modern or abstract pieces.

  8. Are dark mats or light mats best?

    The choice between dark mats and light mats depends on several factors, including the colors in your dog art print, the overall aesthetic you want to achieve, and the room's decor. Here are considerations for both dark and light mats:

    Dark Mats:

    Highlighting Light Colors: Dark mats can create a strong contrast and make lighter colors in the print stand out. If you have purchased vibrant or pastel hues, a dark mat can provide a striking backdrop.

    Formal and Elegant Look: Dark mats often convey a more formal and elegant appearance. They can add a touch of sophistication to the artwork and the overall presentation.

    Reducing Glare: Dark mats are less likely to reflect light and cause glare, which can be beneficial in rooms with varying lighting conditions.

    Neutralizing Warm Colors: If your print has warm tones or leans towards reds and oranges, a dark mat can help neutralize the warmth and maintain balance.

    Light Mats:

    Enhancing Dark Colors: Light mats can create a softer contrast and enhance darker colors in the print. This is particularly effective if your art print has rich, deep tones.

    Airy and Contemporary Feel: Light mats generally contribute to an airier and more contemporary feel. They can make the artwork feel lighter and less formal, which may be desirable for certain styles.

    Expanding Small Spaces: Light mats can visually expand a smaller space and create a sense of openness. This is beneficial in rooms where you want to maximize the perceived size.

    Versatility: Light mats tend to be more versatile and can work well with a variety of art styles. They are often a safe choice if you are unsure about the best matting option.

  9. ACRYLIC (Plexiglass) vs. GLASS

  10. Acrylic (Plexiglass):

    Lightweight Acrylic is significantly lighter than glass, making it a practical choice, especially for larger frames. This can be beneficial for ease of handling and hanging.

    Durability Acrylic is more impact-resistant than glass. It is less likely to shatter on impact, making it a safer option in environments where breakage could be a concern.

    UV Protection Many acrylic sheets come with UV protection, helping to safeguard your puppy dog art print from harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause fading over time.

    Less Reflective Acrylic tends to be less reflective than glass, which can be advantageous in spaces with lots of natural or artificial light. This minimizes glare and allows for better visibility of the artwork.

    Thickness Options Acrylic is available in various thicknesses. Thicker acrylic sheets may provide additional protection and a sense of depth to the framed artwork.


    Clarity Glass often provides a clearer and more distortion-free view of the artwork compared to acrylic. This is essential for appreciating fine details in your puppy dog art print.

    Scratch Resistance Glass is more scratch-resistant than acrylic. However, it is still important to handle it with care to avoid scratches over time.

    Affordability Glass is typically more affordable than acrylic, making it a budget-friendly option for framing. However, this can vary depending on the type of glass chosen (standard, anti-reflective, etc.).

    Heavier Glass is heavier than acrylic, so if weight is a concern, especially for larger frames, it's worth considering the lighter alternative.

    Traditional Aesthetic Glass has a traditional aesthetic that may be preferred in certain contexts or for specific art styles. It can provide a classic and timeless look to your beautifully framed artwork.

k9 Gallery of Art Logo
Dog Picture Gallery
k9 Gallery of Art
Melanie Brandstein
The image is the logo of instagram, featuring a viewer outline with a rainbow gradient background, symbolizing the photo and video sharing social media platform. A 3d icon of the facebook logo, featuring a white f centered on a reflective glossy blue square with rounded corners, displayed against a transparent background. The image displays the pinterest logo, which features a stylized white letter P on a bold red circular background. the design is simple yet recognizable, embodying pinterest's visual identity. Youtube logo with a red round background and a white play button in the center.

Red lines will not appear in print. Copyright ©2024 Melanie Brandstein dba k9 Gallery of Art. All rights reserved.
Lakeland Florida USA

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